Roadmate RV 5365T LMB
The all-new 5-inch RV5365T-LMB navigator, provides Magellan's leading safety, convenience, and trip-planning features to drivers of RVs with smaller dashboard spaces. The ideal travel companion for drivers of Class B and Class C RVs and those who tow other recreational vehicles such as fifth-wheels or boats, the Magellan RoadMate RV 5365T-LMB helps when planning trips and promotes safety while on-the-road. RVers will easily set up profiles based on their vehicle's dimensions, vehicle type, hazmat materials, as well as navigational preference to customize the best routes for trips.The preloaded Good Sam RV Travel Guide and Campground Directory and Good Sam discount locations, provide valuable RV travel resources including: comprehensive campground information, available location-based facilities, RV services, pet-friendly campgrounds and parks, tent spaces, Wi-Fi, and more.